envisioning the future of car insurance

envisioning the future of car insurance

for an international re-insurance company


This project for a large re-insurance company was all about strategy and vision. The evolution of personal transportation is in motion and all partners in the eco-system need to act fast to claim their spot in this rapidly changing environment. Two intensive creative sessions with the clients allowed the team to get a better understanding of this eco-system and the future journey car owners might go through. During the second workshop the participants were invited to play. We provided game cards with possible challenges to push the ideation further. This way of working was necessary to get a specialist audience to think creatively and avoid complex and technical discussions.



By conducting interviews with car owners today some key drivers for insurance services were distilled. These drivers allowed the team to select some key features that came out of the creative sessions, forming an extended to-be journey. This blueprint included all the data captured and the key stakeholders role at each step of the user's journey. A clickable prototype was made using InVision to illustrate some of the most important steps as well.


  • Vincent Driss - visual design
  • Irene Yvonne Caputo - service & interaction design
  • Thibaut Langlet - project management
  • Lalao Rakotoniaina - design lead
let's have ☕️


+32 484 94 58 75

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