harmonizing the in-store smartphone purchase experience

harmonizing the in-store smartphone purchase experience

for a telecom provider
user interview


This telecom providor's ambition is to make the shift from a  telecom provider to a true service provider. They offer a range of services for customers who buy a new smartphone in store. They have a strong store front presence but they face the challenge of a misunderstanding of this offer by clients and even by their employees, the need for a clear value proposition needed to be adressed. 

To tackle this challenge we went on a journey of 8 one-week sprints to rapidly prototype, validate in store and iterate on ideas. We were assigned a pilot store, where we could test two days every week. The onboarding of this pilot store, management and store staff was absolutely crucial for the success of this mission. 

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To showcase the value of the existing services we included them in an holistic journey. Achieving a feasible solution through truly co-creating with the sales forces on the ground and their managers all along the project. We used channels known to them, such as WhatsApp to communicate in between tests. Our testing ground became our strongest ally. Besides the new in-store experience for clients with a new smartphone, a sale force training kit was delivered, ensuring the adaptation of this new service scenario by the sales people. 

store team
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We used a mini-site and a weekly newsletter to communicate throughout the process. The newsletter contained links and short description of the newly published articles of that week as well as the brief of the current and upcoming design sprint. These communication tools allowed us to engage people across the country with the project, not just the ones present during the demos. 

The concepts will be tested at a larger scale in the upcoming months for further user validation with a possible launch next year.


  • Julie Checconi & Mathilde Valero - visual design & cover illustration
  • Mathieu Hélain and Benjamin Pruvost - business design
  • Florence Jop - project management
  • Nathalie Pezzoli - design lead
let's have ☕️


+32 484 94 58 75

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